Choosing to live your life by your xqisit choice is the greatest freedom you will ever have.     What are you passionate about? This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do […]

The Power of Setting Goals

The Power of Setting Goals

Take Control of Your Life “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life that ‘only you’ can imagine.” ~ Henry David Thoreau     Do Something Great with Your Life Successful people are always moving toward something important to them, and the feeling of movement makes them happy! It releases endorphins […]

What Are The Traits Of Highly Persistent People?

What Are The Traits Of Highly Persistent People?

Persistent people are great at sticking to a plan, working towards a goal, and persistently pursuing something. They are often seen as optimistic and enthusiastic. But what makes them tick? And more importantly – how can you become more like them? Persistence and optimism aren’t enough to become an ardent persistent person. There are certain […]

Are You Living a Meaningful Life?

Are You Living a Meaningful Life?

Fulfilling Your Purpose at Any Age No matter what stage of life you’re in, you are not alone in your desire to live a life of purpose… in fact, that feeling is a natural, universal part of being human!   The fact that you are reading this blog lets you and me know a few […]