The Great Escape

Escape The Ratrace, Raise Your Standards & Make Yourself Happy!

An Xqisit Lifestyles Coaching Program By Gerald Alexander

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and discover your life purpose? Let me guide you on a transformational journey from who you have become to the xqisit character you really want to be. What are your characteristics, values, beliefs? Are you aware your personality provides your personal reality? Does the thought of your future excite you when you think of who you are becoming?
Where will you be, what will you be doing, who will you be with… This time next year?
Great Escape Coaching Program Xqisit Lifestyle Gerald Alexander
a person holding two pieces of a puzzle
Coaching Program Gerald Alexander
Jigsaw Puzzle The Great Escape Coaching
Living our lives in the search for wholeness and fulfillment, is like a jigsaw puzzle. It is an attempt to make the picture that is truly ‘me’. The trouble is that, unlike most jigsaw puzzles, we do not have a picture on the lid of the box to tell us what that ‘me’ should look like. What we do have is a set of pictures provided by other people – our parents, our peers, our teachers, our society and culture, our religion perhaps, that tell us what they think we should be. These may be seductive or persuasive or simply taken for granted, but the chances are that they will be at least in some respects wrong and sometimes completely wrong.
In addition, amongst the pieces in the box that do belong to our true picture there will be other pieces that do not belong. These will be both positive and negative attributes and aspirations, put there by the circumstances of our life, or by other people. And ironically, sometimes tragically, even those positive attributes that earn us admiration and success may distort the true picture.
As we live our lives and build our jigsaw, it is inevitable that in the attempt to build one or other of the misleading pictures, and using the pieces which do not belong, the puzzle becomes distorted. You may have had this experience with an ordinary jigsaw puzzle. If pieces are forced into the wrong position, the picture becomes distorted, and may even break up because of the stresses induced by the misplaced pieces. This is what in some fashion, will happen to our lives when the picture we are building becomes a too distorted version of the picture it is meant to be.
The only guide we have as to what the picture should be is the instinct to wholeness, the vocation to be uniquely ourselves. This instinct is actually inviolable; it never dies. it belongs to the part of our being that we call the soul. if this instinct is too severely denied by the life we live, whether by our own choice or by circumstances imposed upon us, the picture will break down. The disorder in our soul will be reflected in disorder of our body, or mind, or in our relationships and conduct towards others. If we are able or are helped to recognise what is happening, and to respond to it, the process of rebuilding – of understanding, reconciliation, new growth and new relationships, can begin. Thus illness becomes the agent of healing.
The jigsaw analogy illustrates another essential principle of wholeness. Each one of us is part of a greater whole from which we derive value and meaning; the ‘bigger picture’. Just as every single piece of a jigsaw is necessary to complete the picture, so are we, however nondescript we think we are or appear to others to be, a unique and indispensable part of this bigger picture. And within the picture, relationship is the key. Each piece in the jigsaw is only valid in correct relationship to its neighbours as well as to the bigger picture as a whole. Jigsaw building, whether at play or in the living out of our lives, is an integrative process.
Great Escape Coaching Program
Great Escape Mystic Xqisit Lifestyles coaching
Gerald Alexander Great Escape Program
Mystic Field Great Escape Gerald Alexander
There is a part of you that is everlasting… It’s beyond the mind… It’s beyond the body… You might call it soul, you might call it spirit, you might call it essence… When that part of you is activated for something you want to serve BIGGER than you, there’s a different level of emotion, and emotion is the FUEL that drives ALL of us. This is why you have to feed the best part of yourself everyday. You’ve got to demand the best part of you – don’t settle for less than you can be, can do, can share, can create, or give.
We become what we think about…
By immersing yourself in a program of desired behaviours, repeated consistently every night, you can effectively manifest those experiences in your life. Doing daily affirmations is consciously choosing to think certain thoughts that will create positive results in your future.
Change your lifestyle in 90 days with my “Quantum Leap” program… Life is the most xqisit exam. Most people fail because they try to copy others, not realising that everyone has a different question paper. Be yourself… Love your life… Let’s embark on a transformational journey, with YOU at the Helm “Captain”.
Your ability to achieve your own happiness is the true measure of your success in life… Nothing is more important.
Take control of your life.
We can have ANYTHING we want from life, if we just help enough people get what they want.
There’s an old saying, “Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get.” Life is a journey, do you have a clear sense of direction? Where is your North Star? Do you have a specific plan of action to get you there? Let me help you to help yourself.
Most people are stuck, lost in a hazy complex fog with no guiding light to escape from the rat race – they are wandering through life aimlessly.
Universe Gerald Alexander The Great Escape
Xqisit Lifestyles Great Escape Coaching Program
Universe Xqisit Lifestyles Great Escape Coaching Program
purple and black skies Gerald Alexander Xqisit
Something in this Universe, call it God, call it the Universe, call it whatever you want to call it… But something created us. Something created you! Whether you’re seeking career advancement, personal growth, or a complete life transformation, my personalised coaching will empower you to overcome obstacles, clarify your vision, and take actionable steps towards your success. Let us work together to harness your unique strengths and passions, turning them into a powerful force for your success. Book a free 30 minute call with me today, and let’s embark on this empowering adventure together. Your future starts here!
I see you vibrant and healthy, surrounded by xqisit beauty… Living a life of love and prosperity, filled with joy and laughter. You are on a wonderful pathway of change and growth.
Take control of your life – You’ve got to demand the best part of yourself on a daily basis. We can’t control the future but we can strongly influence it. The only thing that will hold you back is FEAR. FEAR you are not enough! FEAR you don’t know enough! Get out of your own way. The number one self-limiting belief is, ‘I am not good enough, I don’t deserve it.’ The most important ingredient of success is to believe in your SELF…

My name is Gerald. Contact me.

See how you can begin your great escape today!

woman holding her long blonde hair
man standing near white wall
woman wearing blue denim jacket
man wearing white V-neck shirt
closeup photograph of woman smiling