Fulfilling Your Purpose at Any Age

No matter what stage of life you're in, you are not alone in your desire to live a life of purpose... in fact, that feeling is a natural, universal part of being human!

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The fact that you are reading this blog lets you and me know a few things.

It means you want to take responsibility for what comes into your life.
It means you are willing to invest in yourself.
It means you are open to experiencing what abundance really means.
It means you no longer want to settle for good… you deserve great.
It means you are a student of life.

You should know that you are on an exciting path and I’m thrilled you’re willing to grow and attract more joy, more peace, more abundance into your life. Xqisit Lifestyles is designed to help you tap into the Infinite power within you, create your dream life faster than you imagined possible, and have a ton of fun along the way!

So what is a Life Purpose?

A sense of purpose is an integral and important part of the human experience. Whether you're considering a career change, wondering if finding purpose in life after 50 is possible, approaching retirement, or you're searching for more meaningful ways to use your time after your kids have grown or left the house... It's your inner sense of direction, your roadmap, the bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind toward what you believe is a life worth living, a meaningful contribution to yourself and others, where you feel successful and love the journey of every day life...

At Xqisit Lifestyles we are committed to helping our clients to create a positive and healthy lifestyle with a focus on self-care and self-love. Our aim is to help our clients to create a life they want to live and to thrive in. We offer a variety of services and programs that are tailored to help individuals to heal and grow. Whether you are dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or another mental health issue, we are here to help you discover your sense of direction.

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life -- the reasons you get up in the morning. It can guide life decisions, influence behaviour, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation -- meaningful, satisfying work.

Anthony Burrow, researcher and Professor of Human Development at Cornell University defines life purpose as, "...a forward-looking directionality, an intention to do something in the world. It's different than a goal, which can be accomplished. Wanting to be a father is a goal because it is achievable. But to be a great father is more of an intention than an achievement. On some days, one might come closer to the ideal than others, but it is never a complete task."

Our life purpose is the intention with which each of us moves through the world. When we have a good sense of purpose in our lives, we're empowered to make important decisions and find solutions through a lens of greater meaning and intention... Knowing your life purpose clearly has an impact on your entire life.

Research has found that people who have a sense of purpose in their lives:
* Live longer
* Have less health issues and illness
* Are less reactive to stress
* Experience more emotional well-being
* Have better self-esteem (source)

Not to mention, finding clarity about your xqisit purpose can help you:
* Feel confident when you have to make a big decision
* Navigate difficult situations and overcome personal challenges with more ease
* Feel a sense of security, even in the face of difficult events
* Make choices to improve your life on a daily basis

At the end of our life, the result is the sum of the choices and decisions we have been responsible for making. We all want to feel important in our own way!

It's never too late to discover your god-given purpose and start designing a life you'd love.

Live the life you truly deserve... Take control, believe in yourself... This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind... let it be something good.

Your purpose is a part of who you are...

Discovering your life's purpose, at any age, is like learning to understand yourself better. Your life's purpose is a part of who you are... and even if you weren't aware of it, your purpose likely has already played a role in your life up until this point.

Think of it like this:

If your purpose is the "why" behind what you are meant to do, create, and be in the world... Then your calling is what you're actually meant to do in the world. It is the outward expression of your true purpose. There are many ways in which we can pursue a specific calling in order to fulfill our greater purpose... which means, you've probably already been on the path to fulfilling your purpose, and you can decide to take a different direction at any age!

For example, my life's purpose is to guide, coach, mentor. But there are many different ways I could - and did - fulfil that purpose. Each moment of decision and action that supported my greater purpose were callings on my life. You too, have probably made a lot of decisions and actions that helped you fulfil your purpose... but you might feel like it's time for something new or different. That realisation -- the longing you feel for more -- is the first step to identifying or refining how you're choosing to express your purpose in your life.

A sense of purpose helps each of us determine why we're living our lives and what we're meant to do with the time we have... and it's one of the key factors to living a fulfilling life of authenticity and happiness. If you would like help discovering your purpose, we offer a 90 Day 1 - to - 1 coaching program -- A Sense of Direction

So the question I have for you is… Are you ready for more?

I believe you are ready to be who you were born to be... What will you accomplish with passion, conviction, and action to create an unstoppable momentum?

Make a meaningful contribution to yourself and others, where you feel successful and love the journey of every day life...

It’s all about being ready for anything. Rather than reacting to everything around you, you put yourself on the front foot, can control the situation, and are effectively proactive.

And all this reduces stress and overwhelm because you can make deliberate decisions about what you will do that day.

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