The Advancing Person


Unlocking Wealth and Success

More than 100 years ago, Wallace D. Wattles penned what is without doubt one of the most influential books ever written on the subject of success and prosperity. In this book, Wattles shares insights of 'how' we CAN navigate our life's journey toward wealth, success, and prosperity, due to focusing our mindset, actions, and beliefs. At its core, the idea that individuals who are advancing toward riches do so by following certain principles and engaging in particular practices.

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These principles are rooted in aligning oneself with the creative forces of the universe and recognising the importance of harmonising one's thoughts and actions with these forces.

The Power of Creative Thought

The Science of Getting Rich emphasises that an advancing person understands the power of creative thought and leverages it to manifest their desires. It asserts that thought is the source of all creation and that by aligning one's thoughts with the desire for advancement, individuals can attract the necessary opportunities and resources to achieve their goals. This aligns with the broader notion of the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like – positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.

Continuous Advancement

According to these insights, the advancing person is always moving forward, both mentally and in action. They do not stagnate in a comfort zone but consistently strive for growth and improvement. This mindset of continuous advancement is key to achieving riches. Wattles urges individuals to avoid dwelling on past mistakes or setbacks but instead focus on their present and future potential.

The Science of Becoming

Wattles also introduces the concept of "becoming" – the process through which individuals transform themselves into the kind of people who naturally attract success and abundance. The advancing person is acutely aware that personal growth is a prerequisite for wealth creation. This entails not only acquiring knowledge and skills but also cultivating virtues such as gratitude, integrity, and perseverance. By embodying these qualities, individuals emit a positive energy that draws success towards them.

Acting in the Certain Way

Central to each chapter is the recurring theme of acting in a "Certain Way". This concept involves aligning one's actions with their thoughts and desires, as well as maintaining faith that these actions will yield the desired outcomes. The advancing person does not act out of desperation or fear but instead acts with confidence, conviction, and a sense of purpose.

The Power of Gratitude

The importance of gratitude is also emphasised as a powerful tool for advancement. Gratitude shifts one's focus from scarcity to abundance, enabling individuals to recognise the blessings and opportunities present in their lives. The advancing person appreciates what they have while simultaneously maintaining a strong desire for more. This balance between contentment and ambition creates an environment conducive to attracting riches.

Thinking in the Certain Way

Thinking in a Certain Way involves adopting a mental attitude that aligns with the realisation of one's desires. The advancing person guards their thoughts against negativity, doubt, and fear. Instead, they cultivate a mindset of positivity, expectation, and belief in their ability to achieve their goals. By maintaining a clear mental image of success and consistently holding that vision, individuals set in motion the creative forces that bring their desires to fruition.

Avoiding Competitive Thought

Wattle's cautions against adopting a competitive mindset that views success as a limited resource available to only a few. The advancing person understands that the universe is abundant, and there is ample room for everyone to succeed. This perspective aligns with contemporary notions of collaboration and abundance mindset, where individuals recognise that their success does not diminish others' potential for success.


"The Science of Getting Rich" shares profound insights into the mindset and practices of the advancing person. By emphasizing the alignment of thought, action, and belief with the creative forces of the universe, Wattles outlines a clear path to wealth and success. The chapter's teachings resonate with modern ideas about the power of positive thinking, the Law of Attraction, personal growth, and gratitude. Ultimately, the advancing person is not confined by circumstances or limitations but is empowered to shape their reality and create the life of abundance they desire.

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