Can I really be happy?

Joy, peace and happiness exquisite lifestyles

Seek the Wonders in Every Moment Experiencing great pleasures with joy and gratitude make us feel truly alive. They give our life a sense of purpose and meaning, while directing our attention to our daily thoughts and behaviour. What puts a smile on your face? The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. […]

A Sense of Direction

The Jigsaw Puzzle

The Power of Knowing Your Life Purpose In the labyrinth of life, individuals often find themselves grappling with questions of purpose and direction. The journey toward realising one’s purpose is marked by choices, both big and small, that shape the trajectory of one’s existence. At the heart of this journey lies the power of making […]

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

This is the sign you've been looking intermittent fasting IF

Adopt a daily fasting routine… Intermittent Fasting (IF) Fasting and intermittent fasting (IF) has gained significant attention in recent years for their potential health benefits. While fasting has been practiced for centuries for religious and cultural reasons, modern research has shed light on its potential advantages for overall health and well-being. Intermittent fasting, in particular, […]

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer Xqisit Lifestyles

GOD Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change. COURAGE to change the things I can. And the WISDOM to know the difference. Achieving this positive state of mind means you won’t FEEL as troubled by life’s ups and downs. Each of us are on a journey of self-discovery from being the […]

Do You Lack Self-Confidence?

you are worthy of love xqisit lifestyles

Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations? I believe we contribute toward the creation of every condition in our lives, good or bad, with our thinking, feeling patterns. The thoughts we think create our feelings, and we then begin to live our lives in accordance with these feelings and beliefs. Whether you want […]

What Are The Traits Of Highly Persistent People?

woman sitting on brown wooden chair while using silver laptop computer in room

Persistent people are great at sticking to a plan, working towards a goal, and persistently pursuing something. They are often seen as optimistic and enthusiastic. But what makes them tick? And more importantly – how can you become more like them? Persistence and optimism aren’t enough to become an ardent persistent person. There are certain […]

It’s a Jungle Out There

Blazing Trail

Here is your lifeline…     Taking Control of Stress & Anxiety Most people attend self-development seminars seeking an answer to ‘what’s out there’ that they can learn, in order to be more successful. Looking for the answer outside of them ‘self’ and from where they will never find it, because the answer to this […]