Quickly Remove Self-Limiting Beliefs...

Specialised Knowledge for Wealth and Happiness


Your history makes you who you are today, and the negative experiences of your past can often create self-sabotaging beliefs for your current behaviour. Have you ever thought… I’m not good enough. I never succeed at anything. Whenever I’m happy, bad stuff happens. I don't deserve it. Good people are never rich people! If so, you are a victim of limiting beliefs.

Get out of your own way!

These limiting beliefs are slowly poisoning your daily life, creating self-sabotaging habits that STOP you from ever achieving true success and happiness you truly deserve.

Do something about it -- take action today -- the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Contact Gerald Alexander the 'The Millionaire Maker" and ask him about the science of getting rich?

We offer a variety of services and programs that are tailored to help individuals to heal and grow. Whether you are dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or another mental health issue, we are here to help you discover your sense of direction. Over 80% of our subscribers come to us seeking support for depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or other mental health-related issues when they start to adversely affect their relationships, home life or work.

No one else can live your life better than YOU.

By learning how to control your daily thought patterns, -- you will get more of what you want from life -- you get to freely be the person you love being!

Simply take a moment to identify and reframe your past experiences, remove limitations, and enjoy greater freedom to be your true authentic self.

Energy flows where your focus goes!

Setting The Stage For Success.
Clarity And Goal Setting.
Enhanced Productivity.
Improved Decision Making.
Overcoming Obstacles.
Increased Effectiveness.
Enhanced Creativity.
Improved Work-Life Balance.
Building Resilience.

You can do it if you believe you can.

It’s called a “self-fulfilling prophecy” when something occurs because we believe it will. The mind is constructed so that it constantly seeks to bring into physical reality the things it thinks about most. Most of us will never realise the tremendous potential we possess — because we are unwilling to believe that we can accomplish things that others believe are impossible. “Impossible” jobs require more effort and greater concentration, but when they are completed, the rewards — both financial and emotional — are commensurate with the effort required. You may not be able to achieve everything you’d like, but you won’t accomplish anything unless you believe you can.

Identifying how you lost your self-confidence is the first step to rebuilding it... Read the potential causes of low self-confidence -- which ones resonated with you?

Potential causes of low self-esteem during childhood and adolescence include:

Experiencing ongoing harsh criticism from authority figures, such as parents or teachers.
Being raised by emotionally distant parents or caregivers.
Going through childhood trauma, such as parental divorce or sexual abuse.
Having trouble keeping up at school.
Having a physical or mental disability.
Feeling less attractive than the ideal image portrayed in social media.


What other things do you think impacted your confidence?

What is the solution? Email: Teamglobalparadigmshift@gmail.com and tell them Gerald Alexander invited you to get our free educational guide on 'The Science of Getting Rich'.

Do you really, really want to be a millionaire? If you seriously want things to change, then change your Mindset in order to start making some serious decisions for your Wealth and Happiness... take the first step and contact:  Teamglobalparadigmshift@gmail.com

The Golden Rule of Life is you will ALWAYS get more of where you FOCUS your thoughts -- What does your future VISION look like?

If it is to be, it is up to me!

Making your life what you want it to be is true success. It's the steadily, measured progress toward a goal. Yet, most people don't have a clue about what they want, they don't have goals to achieve and just drift through life with no intent or FOCUS OF ATTENTION on where they are going, what they want to achieve, or who they are becoming. When ALL we need -- for a truly happy life -- is something to be enthusiastic about!

What do you love doing? Who are you becoming? Where are you going?

Setting-daily, weekly, monthly goals are like milestones for you to reach while on your journey -- personal lifetime goals will give you a sense of direction -- a reason to do what you do and be who you are! Start living your life on purpose --The Power is Within You -- there are no limitations to the mind except those you acknowledge... BOTH poverty and riches are the offspring of your thoughts.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you imagine.

How does one go about doing that?

Follow me... Let me help you, help yourself. Success leaves footprints. My name is Gerald Alexander, Founder and Director of Xqisit Lifestyles and Bestselling author of "Against the Grain" with Brian Tracy. I'm know as "The Millionaire Maker". Where are you currently living and who are you becoming? Your journey begins with one step -- seek and you will find -- do you really want more from life?

Let me help -- anything worthwhile doing is never easy -- where do I START?

Get our Specialised Knowledge to become Rich, by simply sending an email to Teamglobalparadigmshift@gmail.com and say I, Gerald Alexander invited you!

Those who make the mistake of not seeking the help of others, do not understand the real meaning of the word "educate." That word is derived from the Latin word "educo," meaning to educe, to draw out, to develop from within.

Lack of a well-defined purpose in life.

There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Research has shown 98 out of every 100 people just drift through life with no sense of direction. Perhaps this was the major cause of their failure.

Live your life on purpose.

Self-belief is the key that opens the doorway to your success -- anything worthwhile doing isn't easy -- turn obstacles into stepping stones -- and love your life.



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